I am pleased to share that this week’s "Torah Thoughts" was
published and distributed nationally by the Jewish Federations of North
America. It can be found at this link and read below.
The Talmud counsels: “Rabbi Hisda taught: 'If the zealot comes to
seek counsel, we are never to instruct him to act.'" (Sanhedrin 81b)
And yet the Torah reports that Pinhas was rewarded for his
actions. Here is his story. The people
are gathered on the banks of the Jordan River, poised to enter the land of
Israel. They have become intoxicated with the religion of the Midianites,
sacrificing to their god, Baal-Peor and participating in its festivals.
Moses tries to get the Israelites to stop, issuing laws forbidding such foreign
practices, but they refuse to listen. God becomes enraged.
"Just then one of the Israelites came and brought a
Midianite woman over to his companions... When Pinhas saw this he left
the assembly and taking a spear in his hand he followed the Israelite into the
chamber and stabbed both of them, the Israelite and the woman, through the
belly." The Lord spoke to Moses,
saying, "Pinhas has turned back My wrath from the Israelites by displaying
among them his passion for Me, so that I do not wipe out the Israelite people
in My passion." (Numbers 25) Pinhas' passion tempers God’s
anger. Thus Pinhas renews the covenant between God and the people.
It is for this reason that Pinhas’ memory is recalled at the
brit milah ceremony. As we renew the
covenant through the ritual of circumcision we recall Pinhas. We then welcome the presence of the prophet
Elijah who, in the future, will announce the coming of the messiah. We pray, “This is the chair of Elijah the
prophet who is remembered for good.” Perhaps this young child will prove to be
our people’s redeemer.
Elijah is as well a zealot.
He, like Pinhas, has a violent temper and deals with non-believers with
an equally heavy hand. He kills hundreds of idolaters and worshipers of
Baal. So why are these the heroes we
recall when we circumcise our sons? Is
it possible that the rabbis saw this ritual and its demand that we hold a knife
to our sons as a zealous act? Was this
their nod to the intense passion that is required to perform this mitzvah?
The Torah suggests, in this week’s portion, that an act is
made holy by one’s intention, that the ends justify even extreme means. Pinhas succeeded in ridding the Israelites of
idolatry. Elijah as well bests the
prophets of Baal, bringing the people closer to monotheism. They are thus revered by our tradition. I remain troubled and even appalled. I wonder: why must our passions lead to zealous
Zealousness and passion are too often intertwined. Passion is desired. Zealousness must be quelled. The knife can be an instrument of holiness or
a tool for murder.
My teacher, Professor Israel Knohl, once remarked that
monotheism is given to such violence. Because
it is adamant that there is only one God it promotes the destruction of other
gods and occasionally, or perhaps too often, their worshippers.
Monotheism is exacting, and even ruthless.
While I hold firm to its belief I remain distant from the actions it too
frequently deems holy.
And so I draw a measure of comfort from the very same
prophet whose actions I abhor. Elijah’s story
concludes with a beautiful estimation of where we might find God. It is
not in a thunderous voice or mighty actions. "There was a great and mighty
wind, splitting mountains and shattering rocks, but the Lord was not in the
wind... After the earthquake—fire; but the Lord was not in the
fire. And after the fire, a still, small voice." (I Kings 19)
This is the Haftarah that is often paired with this week’s
portion. The rabbis offer this reading
as a counterweight. We require passion,
but not zealousness. Not every
disagreement is a threat that necessitates radical action. Believing in one God does not require that we
destroy others, or their followers. A
plurality of beliefs does not negate our own firmly held convictions.