This week’s Torah portion is about Korach and the rebellion
he leads. Korach and his followers rebel
against Moses and his leadership, claiming: “You have gone too far! For the community are holy, all of them, and
the Lord is in their midst. Why then do
you raise yourselves above the Lord’s congregation?” (Numbers 16:3) Korach is severely punished for questioning
There is a debate regarding Korach’s sin. What was his terrible wrong? Most agree that he should not have questioned
Moses during such a difficult period.
The people were wandering through the wilderness. They required decisive leadership. The community needed to be unified. Korach sought to sow divisiveness when unity
was demanded.
But there appears more to Korach’s words. Yeshayahu Leibowitz, an Israeli scientist and
Jewish philosopher, offers an intriguing interpretation. Korach’s sin is revealed in his claim that
“all the community are holy.” Korach
implies that the people have already achieved their goal of holiness and
nothing more is demanded of them. (Etz Hayim Torah Commentary)
The Torah challenges us, however, to become holy. “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God
am holy,” the Holiness Code admonishes us. (Leviticus 19). What follows then are primarily a list of
ethical demands. The intention is
clear. What makes us holy are our every
day actions. “Do not favor the poor or
show deference to the rich… Love your
neighbor… You shall have an honest
balance and honest weights…”
But there are people who believe that just by virtue of their
being Jewish they are already as close to God as they need to be. They do not see the challenge in the Torah’s
command. They see it only as privilege. Chosenness in this worldview is not the call
to improve the world that it must be for the Jewish people to realize its
birthright but instead only a blessing conferring privilege.
Holiness is a goal that we must strive to achieve each and
every day. It must forever remain a
future goal not a present day boast. The sin
of Korach was not that he sowed dissent, but instead that he thought the work
was already finished. He believed that there was nothing more he needed to
do. There were no improvements to be
made. His world was already holy, he
appeared to believe.
Holiness must not be a claim of privilege. It is a demand of us made each and every day,
each and every hour, each and every moment.
We become holy by what we do. Our
birthright only acquires holiness through our actions.