Mark Twain once quipped: “The clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on
This week’s Torah portion describes the priests’ vestments. The priests were required to wear four
garments: linen shorts, a tunic, sash and turban. The High Priest wore an additional four
adornments: a robe, an embroidered vest, a breastplate, and a golden jewel
inscribed with the words “Holy to Adonai” affixed to the turban.
If he did not wear even one of these garments he could not
serve as a priest. The Talmud reports:
“Rabbi Abbahu said in Rabbi Yohanan’s name: ‘When wearing their appointed
garments, the priests are invested with their priesthood; when not wearing their
garments, they are not invested with their priesthood.’” (Zevahim 17b)
To serve as a priest one must first be born to a priestly
family. This week we also learn that in
order to perform the sacrificial rituals the priest must wear the appropriate
attire. Today we adorn the Torah scroll as we once dressed the priests. A book becomes our High Priest. The Torah assumes the priest’s mantle of
Let’s reflect on the theory of dressing for authority. As contemporary culture becomes more and more
casual will there come a day when professions will no longer be identified by
their attire? Will doctors no longer
wear white coats or scrubs? Could rabbis
be seen leading services in jeans and not wearing a tallis and kippah?
During the early years of the Reform movement, its rabbis
argued that Jews should not wear clothes distinguishing themselves from gentile
society. Tallis and kippah were viewed as
from a different age. The 1885
Pittsburgh Platform declares: “We hold that all such Mosaic and rabbinical laws
as regulate diet, priestly purity, and dress originated in ages and under the
influence of ideas entirely foreign to our present mental and spiritual state.
They fail to impress the modern Jew with a spirit of priestly holiness; their
observance in our days is apt rather to obstruct than to further modern
spiritual elevation.” Rabbis wore robes
and in some instances even top hats and tails.
The question remains: how does clothing convey
authority? For the priests of old it was
apparently synonymous with their leadership.
The High Priest’s robe conveyed to all that this was the person invested
with the requisite authority to offer sacrifices in the people’s behalf. From where does that authority emanate? Does it come from contemporary society or
from our ancient traditions? The early
Reform rabbis argued that it must come from contemporary society. Thus rabbis dressed in the style of their
age. People appeared to think, if clergy
of other faiths are wearing robes or tails then our rabbi should wear similar
Still the authority to lead our prayers also hearkens to the
past. We recite ancient words, in an
ancient language. Must we then not only
dress, if only partially, in an ancient garb?
In what other area of life do we wear the garments dictated by ancient
Contemporary fashions come and go. Now very short skirts are in, even though
they should not be. The tallis and the
kippah remain. They are not a fashion
dictated by designers or styles. And
that alone offers us a measure of spiritual power.