Last week we studied the work of Abraham Joshua Heschel and
in particular his beautiful essay written in the shadow of the Holocaust in
1949, “Pikuach Neshama: To Save a Soul.”
In it he claims that Judaism is not simply about adding meaning to our
own lives. It must have relevance for
the entire world. “To be a Jew is either
superfluous or essential… In keeping
faith with our Judaism, we guard the hidden divine light and the noblest of
visions, which have been saved for humanity’s future.”
It is a notion worthy of reflection. The Jewish people are called to better the
world. Our tradition adds meaning to all
of humanity. Some might object to such
an idea, thinking that it is given to conceit.
Yet, as we approach the holiday of Thanksgiving, I recall the promise of
America also held before the other nations of the world. Throughout our history we have continued to
believe that our vision of freedom and democracy is something that all should
President Obama, for instance, said at his first
inauguration: “Our Founding Fathers,
faced with perils that we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the
rule of law and the rights of man -- a charter expanded by the blood of
generations. Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give
them up for expedience sake.”
Or perhaps you prefer the words of President Bush, offered at
his second inauguration, only a few years after the terror of 9-11: “Some, I
know, have questioned the global appeal of liberty - though this time in
history, four decades defined by the swiftest advance of freedom ever seen, is
an odd time for doubt. Americans, of all people, should never be surprised by
the power of our ideals. Eventually, the call of freedom comes to every mind
and every soul.”
To be a believer, whether it is faith in America or Judaism,
requires a chutzpah that these visions are not about self-fulfillment, but
something much grander. We cling to
democracy despite the fact that the world appears to waver and teeter toward
fundamentalism. And we must likewise
cling to our Jewish faith. It is not
about what I find meaningful or even spiritually fulfilling. It is instead
about what the world needs! Our
tradition, for example, holds justice as paramount. And the world certainly requires more
justice! Heschel reminds us: “Judaism
teaches us to view any injustice…or human oppression as a major tragedy and
feel divine joy at bringing happiness to any mortal.”
Jacob, now running from his brother Esau from whom he (unjustly)
stole the birthright, finds a place in the wilderness to rest for the
night. He dreams of a ladder reaching to
heaven. Angels are climbing up and down upon
its rungs. God stands at its head
declaring a promise for future generations: “Your descendant shall be as the
dust of the earth; you shall spread out to the west and to the east, to the
north and to the south. All the families
of the earth shall bless themselves by you and your descendants.” (Genesis
The dream that begins in this week’s Torah portion and
travels through the nation that we cherish and celebrate tomorrow on
Thanksgiving is also contained in our faith and rooted in the scroll that we
hold in our arms each and every Shabbat.
We declare our allegiance to these dreams not so that we might find
fulfillment but instead so that the world might be redeemed.
May we never tire in bringing these dreams to the world!
We continue to pray for the peace of Israel. “Our God, God of our fathers and mothers,
Rock and Redeemer of the people Israel: Bless the State of Israel, with its
promise of redemption. Shield it with
Your love; spread over it the shelter of Your peace…”